Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rain and Drain(age)

It has been raining here for a couple of days now. Yesterday was by far one of the worst and also the first mini for Sam. Poor Sam! He got sick a couple of days before the mini and is still battling the sickness... which he gave to me. I have been miserable for about 2 days now. My nose will not quit running. I feel achy and have a slight fever. I have trying to drink as much as I can, which I am having trouble doing. He came home from school with the best present ever- KLEENEX!! My poor nose no longer has to be subjected to the poor quality Dominican toilet paper. I have never been so happy to see a box of Kleenex in my life! Anywho, back to yesterday...

I hung out at the CAC (Community Activity Center.. i think). We started a Harry Potter marathon. I played Taboo with a couple of girls and it was absolutely fun! Analeah and I would have totally dominated if we played together. Mindmelding (Mexican dude... Ricardo Montalban! YES! {go watch Four Christmases}) with others is quite entertaining! Sam got done with his mini and hung out for a bit. We were supposed to go out that night for dinner and a couple of drinks, but by the time dinner came the Monster Lo-Carb I drank had already wore off. All energy zapped outta me. So we went to KFC. They actually had chicken! We came home and caught up on some Sunday cartoons.

Today I have been in bed. I wish I could find the faucet hooked up to my nose so I could turn it off! The trip I was going to go on was canceled because of the increase in rain we have been experiencing. It looks like I have tomorrow planned out too... bed!

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